viagens para ler
José Luís Peixoto is one of Portugal's most acclaimed and bestselling contemporary authors. His work has been distinguished with several national and international literary awards, such as the Jose Saramago Literary Award, Libro d'Europa Literary Award, the Oceanos Literary Award, among others. More info HERE.
His novels are translated into more than 30 languages and available in publishers such as Bloomsbury and Anchor (english), Penguin Random House (spanish), Seuil (french), Einaudi (italian), Septime Verlag (german), Meullenhof and Atlas Contact (dutch), Kineret (hebrew), Sinchosha (japanese), among many others. More info HERE.
As far as travel literature is concerned, has published Dentro do Segredo (2012), about North Korea (published in Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Nederland, Albania, Croatia and North Macedonia. With an extensive excerpt published in the north-american non-fiction literary journal Ninth Letter. Read HERE.
And has also published O Caminho Imperfeito (2017), about Thailand (Published in Portugal, Brasil, Spain, Mexico and several editions to come in the next year).
José Luís Peixoto is a frequent collaborator to several travel magazines, such as Volta ao Mundo (Global Notícias, Portugal) and Viagem e Turismo (Grupo Abril, Brazil).
Has been the host of a TV Show about travels. Links to episodes HERE.